Pediatric Psychology

Pediatric Psychology

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Child Psychiatry

Childhood period lays the foundations of a healthy adulthood. Children and adolescents are affected by the events and people around them much more than adults. Any change that takes place during this period may not only be specific to this period, but also affect the whole life. For this reason, child psychiatry has a very important place in the early diagnosis and treatment of mental problems that an individual may experience in the future.


In our child and adolescent psychiatry department, we monitor the normal mental development of children and adolescents and prepare them for life in a healthier way.

 In addition, if the individual has any mental illness, we aim to treat this illness and prevent the possible impacts in the future.


Topics We Provide Counseling in Our Child Psychiatry Department

  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity in children
  • Obsessions in children – obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Eating disorders in children (not eating, etc.)
  • Autism and pervasive developmental disorders
  • Tic disorders
  • Exam anxiety
  • School phobias
  • Depression, mood disorders in children
  • Anxiety disorder and anxiety state in children
  • Difficulty adjusting to school
  • Excessive use of the Internet and computer technologies
  • Toilet habits (bed-wetting, non-organic constipation, etc.)
  • Speech disorders (stuttering, delayed speech, etc.)
  • Learning difficulties in children (dyslexia, etc.)
  • Substance use disorder in children and adolescents

Methods Used in Our Child Psychiatry Clinic

  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Psychological assessments
  • Personality tests, intelligence tests and developmental tests (WISC-4, Denver 2, WISC-R, AGTE, MOXO)
  • Game therapy

Tests Performed in Our Child Psychiatry Clinic

Personality Tests

Rorschach test: The Rorschach test is an internationally valid test. The Rorschach test is applied individually to children and adolescents as well as adults. In this test, which is applied with 10 cards with various black ink stains onside, the child's spiritual conflicts, individual needs, emotions, defense mechanisms and ego functions are revealed. This test is frequently used in the field of child psychology.

Developmental Tests

AGTE: AGTE, which means Ankara developmental screening inventory, is a test used for the developmental evaluation of children aged 0-6. The test consisting of 154 questions in total is done by choosing one of the options “yes, no or I don't know” for each question. This test consists of 4 main topics including language-cognitive, fine motor, gross motor and social skills-self-care.

Denver 2 Progress Test: Another test that evaluates the development of young children is the Denver 2 developmental test. This test consists of 116 questions and 4 parts. By this test, it is evaluated whether the child has the skills required by age; at the same time, if there are situations that are considered to be developmentally suspicious, they are measured objectively and children at risk are determined.

Performance Intelligence Tests

WISC-R: WISCH-R, one of the tests with the highest validity and reliability among the intelligence tests applied in our country, was developed to measure the mental performance of individuals. This individually administered test has been prepared for the 6-16 age group. The application takes 1 – 1.5 hours. While interpreting and evaluating WISC-R scores in our child psychiatry clinic, it is paid attention to the child's general mobility level, general disorganization and ability to focus on the subject, ability to maintain purposeful behavior, cooperation and resistance level, and motivation.

WISC-4: This test is a more up-to-date version of the WISC-R test. After the developments in technology and education, children's mental structures have also changed; this situation caused the intelligence tests to be insufficient. The WISC-4 intelligence test is a test consisting of 10 basic sub-tests and 5 spare tests in different categories, aiming to measure intelligence and social skills in children and young people.

Attention Test

MOXO: The MOXO attention performance test is a highly reliable test applied to children aged 6 and over to measure attention, timing, impulsivity and hyperactivity performance. The attention test is used to understand what the child's attention is affected and distracted from; it helps to make arrangements to increase school, social life and exam success. In addition, the MOXO attention performance test helps diagnose attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children. Thanks to this test, it becomes easier to determine the appropriate treatment method for the children.


Autism screening test: With the ABC and M-CHAT screening scales, the communication skills and social structures of children aged 4 and over are evaluated. If the child has the onset of autism, it is determined by these scales.


Making an Appointment for Child Psychiatry

You can call our call center at 0850 222 04 94 to make an appointment with our child and adolescent psychiatry department.


Until what age does child psychiatry accept patients?

This department follows the development and mental health of individuals between the ages of 0-18. An individual over the age of 18 should apply to adult psychiatry for psychological disorders.

How does child psychiatry treat?

Child psychiatrist takes care to show the right approach to the child and young person throughout the treatment process. By the examination and tests, it is diagnosed whether there is any problem in the child. Afterwards, the family is informed about the child’s situation and the treatment is planned together with the parents.


Child and adolescent psychiatry clinic is in close relationship and cooperation with adult psychiatry, pediatrics, child neurology, psychology, and pedagogy. This can cause child psychiatrists to be often confused with child psychologists and pedagogues. In this case, sometimes the right person cannot be contacted, so the treatment of children may be delayed, or it may be insufficient to solve the problem. It would be useful for families to apply to a child psychiatrist in order to raise their awareness and obtain accurate information about their children.

Why should I go to child psychiatry?

The child psychiatry department should be consulted in order for the individual to lead a healthy life when he/she reaches adulthood, to be a self-confident person, and to treat permanent psychiatric diseases in childhood.


Today, the scope, social activity and needs of the field of child and adolescent psychiatry are gradually expanding. Child psychiatry, which is a very comprehensive field, is in direct interaction with all biological, sociological and psychological disciplines.

