- Education
- Experience
- Professional Memberships
- Selected Publications
- Tedavi Edilen Hastalıklar
- Baghdad University Faculty of Medicine / 2008
- Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Diseases / 2021
Courses / Seminars
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Theory Training Program for Children and Adolescents, Educator: Assoc. Dr. Vahdet Görmez, Prof. Dr. M.Hakan Türkçapar, Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies POEM / 2019
- Psychoanalysis seminars, Psike Istanbul / 2019- 2020
- Sexual Dysfunctions TPD / 2018
- MOXO Attention Performance Test Online Practitioner Certification Training / 2021
- 2021- Currently Çakmak Erdem Hospital
- 2016- 2021 Erenköy Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Diseases
- 2015- 2015 Kocaeli University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
- 2009 – 2013 Iraqi Ministry of Health- Kirkuk Provincial Hospital
- Turkish Child and Youth Psychiatry Association
- Turkish Psychiatric Association
- Turkish Medical Chamber
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan yazılar:
Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) ve anksiyete bozukluğu tanısı almış çocuklarda uyku alışkanlıklarının karşılaştırılması ve uykunun yaşam kalitesi ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. Danışman Öğretim Üyesi: Doç. Dr. Özalp Ekinci, 2021 TEZ
B2. Processed Meat Products and Snacks Consumption in ADHD: A case-control study Sumeyye Akin1, Fatih Gultekin1, Ozalp Ekinci2, Arzu Kanik1, Busra Ustundag2, Bilge Didem Tunali2, Mohammad B. Abdulrazzaq Al- Bayati2, (NCI-2020-0390.R1) DEHB’li çocuklarda işlenmiş et ürünleri ve atıştırmalık tüketimi: Vaka kontrol çalışması
Sözel Sunumlar
1) Peer agression in early childhood: Associated medical, psychiatric and familial factors in a clinical sample
Özalp Ekinci, Nazan Ekinci, Selin Ayşe İpek Baş, Özge İpek Doğan, Cemre Yaşöz, Muhammed Albayati, İbrahim Adak
Peer aggression in early childhood: Associated medical, psychiatric, and familial factors in a clinical sample
12th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & 8th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
2) Processed Meat Products and Snack Food Consumption in ADHD: A case-control study
Sümeyye Akın, Fatih Gültekin, Özalp Ekinci, Arzu Kanık, Büşra Üstündağ, Bilge Didem Tunalı, Mohammad B.Abdulrazzaq Al Bayati̇, Cemre Yaşöz
Processed Meat Products and Snack Food Consumption in ADHD: A Case-Control Study
12th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & 8th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Poster Sunumlar
1) Restless Leg Symptoms with Long Acting Methylphenidate in a Boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
İbrahim Adak , Muhammed Albayati , Selin İpek Bas, Nazan Ekinci, Cemre Yasoz, Özalp Ekinci
Restless Legs Symptoms with Long-acting Methylphenidate in a Boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
12th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & 8th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2021
- Attention deficit and hyperactivity in children
- Obsessions in children – obsessions, OCD
- Eating disorders in children (not eating, not eating, etc.)
- Autism and pervasive developmental disorders
- Tic disorder
- Exam anxiety
- School phobias
- Depression, mood disorders in children
- Anxiety disorder and anxiety in children
- Difficulty adjusting to school
- Excessive use of the Internet and computer technologies
- Toilet habits (Bed-wetting, non-organic constipation, etc.)
- Speech disorders in children (stuttering, delayed speech, etc.)
- Learning difficulties in children (Dyslexia, etc.)
- Substance use disorder in children and adolescents

- Education
- Experience
- Professional Memberships
- Selected Publications
- Tedavi Edilen Hastalıklar
- Baghdad University Faculty of Medicine / 2008
- Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Diseases / 2021
Courses / Seminars
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Theory Training Program for Children and Adolescents, Educator: Assoc. Dr. Vahdet Görmez, Prof. Dr. M.Hakan Türkçapar, Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies POEM / 2019
- Psychoanalysis seminars, Psike Istanbul / 2019- 2020
- Sexual Dysfunctions TPD / 2018
- MOXO Attention Performance Test Online Practitioner Certification Training / 2021
- 2021- Currently Çakmak Erdem Hospital
- 2016- 2021 Erenköy Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Diseases
- 2015- 2015 Kocaeli University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
- 2009 – 2013 Iraqi Ministry of Health- Kirkuk Provincial Hospital
- Turkish Child and Youth Psychiatry Association
- Turkish Psychiatric Association
- Turkish Medical Chamber
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan yazılar:
Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) ve anksiyete bozukluğu tanısı almış çocuklarda uyku alışkanlıklarının karşılaştırılması ve uykunun yaşam kalitesi ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. Danışman Öğretim Üyesi: Doç. Dr. Özalp Ekinci, 2021 TEZ
B2. Processed Meat Products and Snacks Consumption in ADHD: A case-control study Sumeyye Akin1, Fatih Gultekin1, Ozalp Ekinci2, Arzu Kanik1, Busra Ustundag2, Bilge Didem Tunali2, Mohammad B. Abdulrazzaq Al- Bayati2, (NCI-2020-0390.R1) DEHB’li çocuklarda işlenmiş et ürünleri ve atıştırmalık tüketimi: Vaka kontrol çalışması
Sözel Sunumlar
1) Peer agression in early childhood: Associated medical, psychiatric and familial factors in a clinical sample
Özalp Ekinci, Nazan Ekinci, Selin Ayşe İpek Baş, Özge İpek Doğan, Cemre Yaşöz, Muhammed Albayati, İbrahim Adak
Peer aggression in early childhood: Associated medical, psychiatric, and familial factors in a clinical sample
12th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & 8th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
2) Processed Meat Products and Snack Food Consumption in ADHD: A case-control study
Sümeyye Akın, Fatih Gültekin, Özalp Ekinci, Arzu Kanık, Büşra Üstündağ, Bilge Didem Tunalı, Mohammad B.Abdulrazzaq Al Bayati̇, Cemre Yaşöz
Processed Meat Products and Snack Food Consumption in ADHD: A Case-Control Study
12th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & 8th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Poster Sunumlar
1) Restless Leg Symptoms with Long Acting Methylphenidate in a Boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
İbrahim Adak , Muhammed Albayati , Selin İpek Bas, Nazan Ekinci, Cemre Yasoz, Özalp Ekinci
Restless Legs Symptoms with Long-acting Methylphenidate in a Boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
12th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & 8th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2021
- Attention deficit and hyperactivity in children
- Obsessions in children – obsessions, OCD
- Eating disorders in children (not eating, not eating, etc.)
- Autism and pervasive developmental disorders
- Tic disorder
- Exam anxiety
- School phobias
- Depression, mood disorders in children
- Anxiety disorder and anxiety in children
- Difficulty adjusting to school
- Excessive use of the Internet and computer technologies
- Toilet habits (Bed-wetting, non-organic constipation, etc.)
- Speech disorders in children (stuttering, delayed speech, etc.)
- Learning difficulties in children (Dyslexia, etc.)
- Substance use disorder in children and adolescents