Treatment of Varicose Veins with Foam Sclerotherapy

With the use of sclerotherapy method in the treatment of capillary varicose veins, patients can now return to their jobs on the same day after treatment.
Varicose vein is a vein disorder. The vessels that expand due to insufficiency become prominent under the skin and thicken. Capillary varicose veins are superficial vasodilations that appear dark purple or blue on the skin. These vasodilations, which can occur at many parts of the body, are most often seen on the legs. Varicose veins may exist individually, as well as in a combined form resembling a spider's web. These varicose veins, also called capillary vein or spider web varicose veins, especially disturb many female patients aesthetically.
In addition to visual complaints in the later stages of the disease, pain can also disrupt the well-being of patients. While it is necessary to perform open or closed operations in normal varicose vein patients, sclerotherapy treatment is sufficient in capillary varicose veins unlike the other.
In this method, a medication that closes the vessels is injected into the capillary varicose veins. If this medication is applied by foaming, it is called foam sclerotherapy. Very successful results are obtained with both methods and a patient satisfaction of 98% is achieved. The procedure is performed under outpatient conditions and the patient returns to her/his normal life immediately after the procedure. However, redness or bruising may develop in the areas where the procedure is performed and it may take up to 3 weeks to recover. Also, it is not recommended to go out in the sun for 3-4 weeks after the procedure.
The vessels that undergo sclerotherapy should not normally exist. For this reason, there is no damage to vital functions after the procedure. Patients who want to undergo this procedure should first be examined at the cardiovascular surgery outpatient clinic, and internal vessels should be evaluated with Doppler ultrasonography when the physician deems appropriate. It should be noted that compression socks should be worn for 7-10 days after the procedure, and sometimes it may take 3-4 weeks to achieve the desired cosmetic results.