- Education
- Experience
- Professional Memberships
- 1990 - 1996 - Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Education
- 1997 - 1998 - Haseki Eğt. Hospital Infection Diseases Specialized Education
- 1998 - 2002 - Göztepe SSK Training and Research Hospital Specialization on Women's Birth
Language: English, German
- 2002 - Presently - Erdem Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
- Istanbul Chamber of Standards

- Education
- Experience
- Professional Memberships
- 1990 - 1996 - Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Education
- 1997 - 1998 - Haseki Eğt. Hospital Infection Diseases Specialized Education
- 1998 - 2002 - Göztepe SSK Training and Research Hospital Specialization on Women's Birth
Language: English, German
- 2002 - Presently - Erdem Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
- Istanbul Chamber of Standards